January 1st- New Year's Day (typically closed all day)
January 6th - Three Kings Day ( typically opened 9:30am to 11:30am)
Third Monday in January - Martin Luther King Day ( typically opened
9:30am to 11:30am)
Third Monday in February - Presidents' Day ( typically opened 9:30am
to 11:30am)
March 31 Transfer Day ( typically opened 9:30am to 11:30am)
March or April - Easter Week:
Holy Thursday / Thursday before Easter ( typically opened 9:30am
to 11:30am )
Good Friday / Friday before Easter (typically closed all day)
open Saturday before Easter from 10am to 12pm
Easter Sunday (typically closed all day)
Easter Monday ( typically opened 9:30am to 11:30am )
April or May - Carnival (check with court house for specific dates).
Last Monday in May - Memorial Day ( typically closed all day )
July 3rd- Emancipation Day ( typically closed all day )
July 4th - Independence Day ( typically closed all day )
First Monday in September - Labor Day ( typically closed all day
Second Monday in October - Columbus Day (typically opened 9:30am
to 11:30am)
November 1st - Liberty Day (typically opened 9:30am to 11:30am)
November 11th & 12th - Veterans Day (typically closed all day)
Fourth Thursday in November - Thanksgiving (typically closed all
December 24th - Christmas Eve (typically opened 8am to noon)
December 25th - Christmas Day (typically closed all day)
December 26th - Boxing Day ( typically closed all day )
December 31st - New Years Eve ( typically opened 8am to noon )